Saturday, December 25, 2010

the circle of life.

mayb its hard for us to get this at the first time. but sooner or later u will find it helpful and truthful.

wht do i mean by this circle of life. well fyi, the circle is actually how our life move. every time the circle completes we will move on the next stage if life. but remember this, every time we complete that circle, make sure we move up into a better circle and move up and move up as our life go to be better.

here's an example. ill give u ur school days. when we were kids in school we have a lot of frens and best frens. but after ur spm. when u move into a new circle that is the circle of university life we make new frens. have new life. we tend to be more matured logically. when you are in ur university life, you will have new frens. mayb you will still be contacting ur old school frens. but how many? how closed are u now and before?? then when u finish studying, u will strt to work. u will have new frens. u will still be contacting ur university frens. but what about ur school frens?

do you see what im saying here. in a nut shell wht im trying to say is that when u grow older. ur environment will be different. u will do new things. have new frens. have different way of living life.

the main point here is, try to move into a better life. if by the time ur 20 ur driving a myvi. when ur 30 why not try to drv a bmw? if ur 30 ur earning 4k a month why not earning 5k when ur 35. just make sure u always find a way to make your circle better, dont let life contrl you, you must contrl the life. make wise desicion and think carefully before making any desicion.

for me. im just new with this circle of life thing. so im trying to make the best of it.
for now im trying my best to take control of life and making my circle better.

for frens, currently i have the best of frens. que, epin, ayep, yin, mol, amad, pidod, anas, ekal.. hope we can be frens forever. but f we dont, its okayy. mayb its just a way of making our circle of life better. frens are impotnt but u have to remember tht every man is for himself. so wht importnt we must succeed first.

p.s- for nur ezzura, congrats on ur 3.96 pointer. keep on making it. ur circle is getting better. :)

after a long time..

for a long time even i dont remember how long. i dint post anythng. i knw my no.1 fan was waiting so long for me to post something. well this post is for u my dear..

mayb this will be my new post and my last for this month and 2010. as u knw ill be going to penang tomorow. so i wont bring my lappy. there for there is no chance for being posting blog or fb-ing or what so ever involving the i.t world. so one reminder i leave for u is pls dont do things tht i dont like and will force us into a fight. pls...

first of all i will like to say sorry for keeping you waiting for my new post. u knw lah, for the past few months ive been so buzy and many prblms came up. im sorry.

u knw tht even if i dint write anythng but my heart is always thinking about u. so dont be sad if i dont post anything okayy. for the present time, im kind of bored with all this social networking stuff. so therefore im lazy to post anything or fb la ym la skype la smua nie. i dont jnw wht got in to me. but mayb who knws i would have tht passion i used to have again for all this.

this person tht i am talking about in my post is my love, nuramalina binti kamarudin. yes is you dear. u knw ill always love you and wait for u. so let wht happen after this be a challenge and road to our better future together.

i hope after this we will understnd each other more. i hope u will be there with me giving me support and motivation to study and be like u. i want to be on the dean list too. im hoping for ur guidance and support to help me archieved my dreams.

i guess thts all for now. dont worry. nnt ibu will bring my lappy when she come visits me. then ill post many more post for u to knw wht is going on there and how is everythng okayy.

till we meet again my sayang....

take care, be good and remember all the things i say to you.

bye2 sayang :) 143.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

a turning point.

thank u sayang for the song.
it relly makes me comfort and make me see clearly.

i love the song. (melda-kimia)

i LOVE you BABY!

Thursday, August 5, 2010



Friday, July 30, 2010

Why ?

why cant love just be like in the movies?
simple,sweet,romantic,fun and happy..

P.S I hope ours will have a happy ending like the movies we watched.
keep holding on and never give up.


Thursday, July 29, 2010


You can do it.
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT all the way !

we are always here to support you.
we love you.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

my one and only plaster.

THANK YOU....thank you for everythng.
U have always been there for me when im wounded. U were always there to try and take the pain away. U try to be the rainbow to me and colour up my life. thank you sayang.

Be my plaster forever please.....


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Bila Cinta.

Bila cinta ini tak lagi bermakna
yang ku rasa kini hanyalah nestapa
ditinggalkan cinta masa lalu.

Dulu kau tawarkan manisnya janjimu
dan ku sambut itu dengan segenap hatiku
hingga engkau pergi tinggalkanku.

Hilangnya cintamu
menyusuk hatiku
hingga ku memilih
cinta yang fana.

perginya diri mu
merobek jantungku
hingga ku terjatuh
dalam harapan...

Ku sebut namamu di setiap doaku
bangkitkan setia kenangan tentangmu
yang ku dapat hanyalah bayangmu.

Hilangnya cintamu
menyusuk hatiku
hingga ku memilih
cinta yang fana.

Perginya diri mu
merobek jantungku
hingga ku terjatuh
dalam harapan.

Owwh dalam harapan..

Hilangnya cinta mu
menyusuk hatiku
hingga ku memilih
cinta yang fana.

Perginya diri mu
merobek jantungku
hinggaku terjatuh
dalam harapan.....

Everytime i hear it, u know what happens sayang.

I love u nuramalina.
Ill work hard for the promise.

Friday, June 25, 2010

25th Jun 2010

Hello its 5:23 p.m and i bored to death at KMJ. i know the last time i say i was in Kuala Nerang UniKL. well things have changed. it's been about a month++ im in KMJ. KMJ wahana ilmu berzaman. yeaaayy! -____-

i really had a bz week. with all the assignments, the reports, the tutor damn mcm nk mati. KAKOM punya larian bsk pulak, menyampah betul bnd alah nie. hari ahad pagi pon nk kena bwt aktiviti pagi so that nk suruh org bgn awl. issssh :-|

im sitting here in my room doing nothing with my roomate topek tdo huhu :p. suddenly smthng hit me. and i just have to say it.

Nuramalina Binti Kamarudin,
seems like it was yesterday we was in 5 karisma sitting together having fun, relaxing, bwt math sama2, bwt perbincangan kumpulan english and bm together, bahas sama2. hahaha. it feels like yesterday we was going for puan jega's tuition. eh cantik la baju kurung u hari nie. :)
just a while ago it was like we were from cikgu poji's and khairul classes. makan sama kat lengkuas (soto bihun :) ), blk senja sama2. hahaha.

we were in school uniforms :)

Now time has past by,after SPM a lot we have been through together. :)

Sweet Memories :)

suddenly now ur on ur way to Segamat to further ur studies. time really past by quickly kan yang. its been a bumpy and smooth ride for us. but nothing even change the way i feel for u. i know is still a long way to go :) but ill still be here no matter what. mayb when u think about it now it may seem tht is still long. but when u look above here u see is not tht long until we reach a year ^ . ^
so lets not think about it and just enjoy what we have now forever and ever. by the time we realize, we are already there. soon u will see many pictures to come to show the story of us passing through time together. so lets be happy, understand more each other and enjoy everyday of we.

Take care and try to enjoy ur days in segamat okayy. ill be here at tangkak waiting for u for the weekends :).
  • jangan malas-malas belajar and pergi kelas okayy.
  • makan minum jangan lupa taw
  • solat jangan tinggal
  • kalau sakit bg tahu i taw. makan ubat.
  • be strong there okayy :)
  • doa nabi yunus jangan lupa baca selalu
  • jangan gatal-gatal taw. pap-pap nnt kang. heee :p
im ending this with smile for u on my face sayang. ^ . ^
I Double,triple,fourtal,pental,hexal LOVE u, Nuramalina.

p.s/ i know our love is strong ina.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

just for a while.

Nuramalina please take care of yourself. kalau sakit tu makan ubat. pergi jumpa doctor please..
thank you for the weekend. i really had fun with you eventhough things dont turn up the way we like. 20 more days and u will be of to segamat. come to johor soon. ill be waiting for u here at

see u really-really-really soon..

people i will miss when im in tangkak, please take care:


p.s/ ibu come back soon. i miss u already.

Friday, May 28, 2010

my beloved.

Here are some things i value the most from what u gave me.

Top List:

1. Bantal busuk- i choose this first because ONLY the owner knows why. :)

2. selendang- it is special to me because it's the FIRST thing i have of u.

3. Taz-taz- this is new :). i LOVE it and its a long story to get taz-taz to my house :p

Thank You NURAMALINA for everything. All of them means so much to me :)


Thursday, May 27, 2010


i really can't wait for tomorrow.
thursday pls be gone fast.
friday come by fast pls.

tomorrow will be a good and exciting day.

i can't wait to see u :)


Monday, May 24, 2010

im sorry.

Things are not what there are like to be.
Things now are always making u sad.
im sorry.

im sorry,
for making u mad.
for being a pain in the ass.
for making u fedup with me.

only u know how sorry i am for everything.

i think mayb things are going to be better for us.
we are going to be in a same state after this.
near to each other.
no more north and south.

i hope it will be all good for us.
the way we used to be.

u will always know my love,

who i want....
what i want.....
why i want......
everything........ u will always know.

at the end of the day,
u will be the person that will be my all.
Nuramalina binti kamarudin...

A life.!

Thank You, Nur Ezzura Binti Ezzudin for making me still connecting with the world :) FB!

Thank u papa and ibu for giving me the key to connect to the world anywhere. :p

Sunday, May 23, 2010

right now.

I am so EXHAUSTED for the time being.

a hai for a long time.

its been a while since i last updated my blog. nothing much happen.

for the time being i'm spending most of my days at kuala nerang, Kedah. teerrrrrrrrrbaik! sgt sejuk and happening.! hahaha. :p

i'm furthering my studies at UniKL in foundation in science and technology (FiST) but leaving under the rules of Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang. Nothing much la. smua okayy je. study berkarat ouh otakk. i need some minyak pelincir. :) hahaha

P.S : yesterday was such a hard time.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bye-bye my love.

My All

I am thinking of you
In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it's wrong to love you
Then my heart just won't let me be right
'Cause I've drowned in you
And I won't pull through
Without you by my side

I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight

Baby can you feel me
Imagining I'm looking in your eyes
I can see you clearly
Vividly emblazoned in my mind
And yet you're so far
Like a distant star
I'm wishing on tonight

I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight

Give my all for your love

Nuramalina if i can give my all i'll do it just to have my days with u.
good bye sayang, i'll see u soon.

I LOVE U no matter what and forever.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

for my birthday. heee :)

For my 18th birthday i want :

an orange Myvi SE. :)

an i-pod touch 60G :)

a brand new watch pls :)

and most importantly on my birthday, i want u.

Nuramalina Binti Kamarudin. 143

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Time will always change things,
it all depends whether is fast or slow.

Time changes things,
whether is bad or good.

Time flies when ur having fun,
and time crawls when ur down.

Time create issues,
issues will always create anger.

it may seem that 24 hours a day is never enough for us.
the truth is we have much to spare.
it all depends on how we use it.

what ever the situation is..
how ever u are that time..
where ever u are at..

i will always be there for u through it all.
i will always love you,
no matter what,
no matter how,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

controlling emotions.

im back for u my sweetheart.
im not leaving u anymore.
hold my hand and dont ever let go.
because im always gonna be ur guardian angel no matter what.

Double Love You Nuramalina.

banana fruit two times !

stamford bridge: chelsea: 1 vs manu: 0
old trafford: manu: 1 vs chelsea 2

Sudah terbukti MANU mmg LOSER !




Alhamdullilah kau semakin sembuh.
Recover 110% Alif keep on fighthing !
you can do it!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


when we are 28th, jgn lupa eh Amalina janji kita. heee

Caldina satu untuk i. nak orange taw u. hee :)

Mini Cooper satu untuk u eh :)

12437 :)

For a special follower and the love of my life.

it's been a while kan Amalina since i update blog i. hari nie post nie special untuk u yg lama tertunggu-tunggu post baru i. hee

190909 - 190310

happy 6 months anniversary Nuramalina.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

A promise to be hold on.


Dear Amalina,

Never forget the promise i made u especially today in the car (060310).
one day u will see me keeping that promise to u.
just wait. it wont take long.

ouh btw i will bring u to watch this show down here 3D hehehe..

1437 :)
Intan Indah Hati (monster) :p

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A postponed valentine day..hehe


nasib baik i woke up early tht morning. kalau x rosak plan hr tu. hehe. the first thing i did was call her to hear her voice. bgn dengan lantas g mandi siap. i think around 10.20 a.m mcm tu la smpai kt kajang utama heee. awl gle bgn nie. semangat lebih. hehe.

went to mid valley,awl pg sgt smpai lupa2 ingat jalan hahaha. thank u kak nina :). smpai je the first thing we did perg cr socks sbb Amalina nie lupa nk bwk socks die. dh dua kali dh nie u lupa pkai socks pkai kasut u tu. then we went to buy the movie tickets. tak payah beratur, hehe. jalan je smpai depan counter. we bought valentine's day. God knws how long we wait to watch tht show together.

SHOPPING was FUN with u. masuk jusco and the section u bwk i jalan sgt bes u! audrey,sloggi,la senza hahahahahahahaha :p. kakak if ur reading this sorry. haha.
then we went for breakfast. tepanyaki hehe puasnya makan hee.

the movie was 1 to 3 is a 2 hours movie. it was fun at the beginning then at the middle of the story things was getting slow and boring. nasib baik u ada sebelah i heeeee. overall it was ok and fun and romantic.

after the movie, as usual toilet time.hahaha. then the SHOPPING starts again. it was fun! amalina remember MNG taw. hehehe. ouh ouh ouh i like the cat kat memory lane tu tp like u said it was to small. simpan duit kucing tu u. jangan guna taw! hehe

it was really a great day i spend with her. thank u Amalina for the day .

p.s - tp blk rasa hampa cikit la kan u. hehehe u knw why. :) 1437

Thursday, February 25, 2010

a day in bed

what a day of fever today is :(

thank u amalina for being so caring :)

and btw happy 18th birthday SHAFIQUE SALMAN

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

new kid on the block..hehe

my first post:
haiii..saje gatal2 bwt blog..hahahaha
btw haiii nuramalina
bye.. :P