Friday, June 25, 2010

25th Jun 2010

Hello its 5:23 p.m and i bored to death at KMJ. i know the last time i say i was in Kuala Nerang UniKL. well things have changed. it's been about a month++ im in KMJ. KMJ wahana ilmu berzaman. yeaaayy! -____-

i really had a bz week. with all the assignments, the reports, the tutor damn mcm nk mati. KAKOM punya larian bsk pulak, menyampah betul bnd alah nie. hari ahad pagi pon nk kena bwt aktiviti pagi so that nk suruh org bgn awl. issssh :-|

im sitting here in my room doing nothing with my roomate topek tdo huhu :p. suddenly smthng hit me. and i just have to say it.

Nuramalina Binti Kamarudin,
seems like it was yesterday we was in 5 karisma sitting together having fun, relaxing, bwt math sama2, bwt perbincangan kumpulan english and bm together, bahas sama2. hahaha. it feels like yesterday we was going for puan jega's tuition. eh cantik la baju kurung u hari nie. :)
just a while ago it was like we were from cikgu poji's and khairul classes. makan sama kat lengkuas (soto bihun :) ), blk senja sama2. hahaha.

we were in school uniforms :)

Now time has past by,after SPM a lot we have been through together. :)

Sweet Memories :)

suddenly now ur on ur way to Segamat to further ur studies. time really past by quickly kan yang. its been a bumpy and smooth ride for us. but nothing even change the way i feel for u. i know is still a long way to go :) but ill still be here no matter what. mayb when u think about it now it may seem tht is still long. but when u look above here u see is not tht long until we reach a year ^ . ^
so lets not think about it and just enjoy what we have now forever and ever. by the time we realize, we are already there. soon u will see many pictures to come to show the story of us passing through time together. so lets be happy, understand more each other and enjoy everyday of we.

Take care and try to enjoy ur days in segamat okayy. ill be here at tangkak waiting for u for the weekends :).
  • jangan malas-malas belajar and pergi kelas okayy.
  • makan minum jangan lupa taw
  • solat jangan tinggal
  • kalau sakit bg tahu i taw. makan ubat.
  • be strong there okayy :)
  • doa nabi yunus jangan lupa baca selalu
  • jangan gatal-gatal taw. pap-pap nnt kang. heee :p
im ending this with smile for u on my face sayang. ^ . ^
I Double,triple,fourtal,pental,hexal LOVE u, Nuramalina.

p.s/ i know our love is strong ina.

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