Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A postponed valentine day..hehe


nasib baik i woke up early tht morning. kalau x rosak plan hr tu. hehe. the first thing i did was call her to hear her voice. bgn dengan lantas g mandi siap. i think around 10.20 a.m mcm tu la smpai kt kajang utama heee. awl gle bgn nie. semangat lebih. hehe.

went to mid valley,awl pg sgt smpai lupa2 ingat jalan hahaha. thank u kak nina :). smpai je the first thing we did perg cr socks sbb Amalina nie lupa nk bwk socks die. dh dua kali dh nie u lupa pkai socks pkai kasut u tu. then we went to buy the movie tickets. tak payah beratur, hehe. jalan je smpai depan counter. we bought valentine's day. God knws how long we wait to watch tht show together.

SHOPPING was FUN with u. masuk jusco and the section u bwk i jalan sgt bes u! audrey,sloggi,la senza hahahahahahahaha :p. kakak if ur reading this sorry. haha.
then we went for breakfast. tepanyaki hehe puasnya makan hee.

the movie was 1 to 3 is a 2 hours movie. it was fun at the beginning then at the middle of the story things was getting slow and boring. nasib baik u ada sebelah i heeeee. overall it was ok and fun and romantic.

after the movie, as usual toilet time.hahaha. then the SHOPPING starts again. it was fun! amalina remember MNG taw. hehehe. ouh ouh ouh i like the cat kat memory lane tu tp like u said it was to small. simpan duit kucing tu u. jangan guna taw! hehe

it was really a great day i spend with her. thank u Amalina for the day .

p.s - tp blk rasa hampa cikit la kan u. hehehe u knw why. :) 1437

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