Saturday, January 1, 2011


Finally MDS dh hbs hehehehehe. yeaaaaaa!!! xde kena maki. kena bgn awl gle pagi kejut org lain supaya xdimaki and no more denda+maki. heeee.

for the first day of MDS i told myself positively that i can do this. mcm biasa je nie. hahaha.
after the 2nd ir 3rd day i think i that my thought was wrong. i was hating MDS. xleh tahan ouh kena maki je. hahahaha.

MDS mcm biasa la. bgn awl, ikut jadual yg packed gle, ceramah ceramah cera..ZzZz. huhu. sukan la, makan la, qiyamunlai lagi. hahahaha.

but at the end of the day. when majlis penutup dh smpai masanya. it was all worth it.
in a nut shell, MDS was kind of fun.! :) im serious.

to my love, nuramalina binti kamarudin.
thank you for being there when i need you.
thank you kejut kan i pagi so that i boleh kejut yg lain pagi.
thank you amek berat psl i ble i sakit.
thank you faham i.
and last but not list....,
sorry for all the fight we had.... :( 143

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