Saturday, January 8, 2011

the guy side of the story.

*memories :)

let me strt things by letting u knw this is the guy part of the story .well is true what she said on her side of the story, we did meet each other at the age of 14. but we dint care less about each other. i knw her as mel when we was in the same class in form 2. tu pon dgr dr mulut2 org pggl die. then when we were 17 idk how but we were placed in the same class. it was karisma. tht class was a account class. btw, i was taking biology back then. i was thinking how on earth did i get my ass into this class. at the end of the day. i dint regreat one bit being in that class. it was LIFE!

Back then in the class, like she said, i was the monitor. she was the ketua keceriaan. so there we had some connection. then for english and b.m i really dont knw how did we end up being still in the same group for both of the subject. then with bahas going on. pantun la apa smua. we bond and bond closer to each other. suddenly we werent 2 i and i anymore. we were us.

no doubt i do like borrowing her book. she was smart and rajin. i was lazy. so apa lg. hehehehe. tp is not just me okayy. i dont knw why, but she really love to seat next to me if we had free period or math class. knp eh? and why did u hide my book eh? remember??? hehehe. only u knw the answer to it nuramalina.

so in the end, we end up being with each other for about a year and 3 month + already. so many thing we had been through. so many stories. so many memories. from the bottom of my heart. there is no one else better i can wish for to be through all that except for u nuramalina.

-the end-


Saturday, January 1, 2011

be a good girl, ina!

she loves her ice-cream really much! :)

First of all thank you ina, insyaALLAH ill do my best for me and us okayy. :)

i know u have been through a week without me. you did it sayang. you manage to do it. congrats!
klau blh next time xmau mls2 eh. i knw u can do it. u kan good girl kan? ^__^

so skrg u are at segamat, take care okayy ina kat sana. jaga diri elok-elok taw. awk tu dh la klau sakit susah. special ckit awk nie. blaja rajin2 taw. make sure next sem pon dekan gak eh. jgn over limit main taw. nk main boleh. tp berpada2 eh. jgn nnt smpai jd mcm i nie okayy yang.
i knw u can do it.! i always believe in you.!
makan minum sana jaga taw.! jgn lupa makan.
klau sakit terus makan ubat okayy.
klau luka ke bengkakn ke sakit2 bdn ke apa terus sapu minyak okay!
solat jgn lupa taw yang!
ingat pesan2 i kat sana eh.
dont worry, xlama lg kte jmpa eh.
ill always be waiting for u. seconds..minutes..hours..days..months..years..ill be waiting :)

insyaALLAH habis april nnt result kte sama2 dekan eh.
ingt kan i eh from time to time kat sini suruh blaja rajin2.
jgn bg i mls2,main2, and lost focus eh.

ouh ouh ouh.. knp suruh i lupakan u nie.??
u tahu kan i xkan lupakan u.
u la pemikiran i. :)

p.s- as always 143. heee :)


Finally MDS dh hbs hehehehehe. yeaaaaaa!!! xde kena maki. kena bgn awl gle pagi kejut org lain supaya xdimaki and no more denda+maki. heeee.

for the first day of MDS i told myself positively that i can do this. mcm biasa je nie. hahaha.
after the 2nd ir 3rd day i think i that my thought was wrong. i was hating MDS. xleh tahan ouh kena maki je. hahahaha.

MDS mcm biasa la. bgn awl, ikut jadual yg packed gle, ceramah ceramah cera..ZzZz. huhu. sukan la, makan la, qiyamunlai lagi. hahahaha.

but at the end of the day. when majlis penutup dh smpai masanya. it was all worth it.
in a nut shell, MDS was kind of fun.! :) im serious.

to my love, nuramalina binti kamarudin.
thank you for being there when i need you.
thank you kejut kan i pagi so that i boleh kejut yg lain pagi.
thank you amek berat psl i ble i sakit.
thank you faham i.
and last but not list....,
sorry for all the fight we had.... :( 143


i think is not to late for me to wish everyone a happy new year! may this year be more wealthy and healthy for you.

i hope 2011 will be much much much more better for me then 2010 in may ways. plssss.. :)