Thursday, April 15, 2010

for my birthday. heee :)

For my 18th birthday i want :

an orange Myvi SE. :)

an i-pod touch 60G :)

a brand new watch pls :)

and most importantly on my birthday, i want u.

Nuramalina Binti Kamarudin. 143

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Time will always change things,
it all depends whether is fast or slow.

Time changes things,
whether is bad or good.

Time flies when ur having fun,
and time crawls when ur down.

Time create issues,
issues will always create anger.

it may seem that 24 hours a day is never enough for us.
the truth is we have much to spare.
it all depends on how we use it.

what ever the situation is..
how ever u are that time..
where ever u are at..

i will always be there for u through it all.
i will always love you,
no matter what,
no matter how,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

controlling emotions.

im back for u my sweetheart.
im not leaving u anymore.
hold my hand and dont ever let go.
because im always gonna be ur guardian angel no matter what.

Double Love You Nuramalina.

banana fruit two times !

stamford bridge: chelsea: 1 vs manu: 0
old trafford: manu: 1 vs chelsea 2

Sudah terbukti MANU mmg LOSER !




Alhamdullilah kau semakin sembuh.
Recover 110% Alif keep on fighthing !
you can do it!